Okay, first entry of this month after like.........hmmmm.. let's see.... 2 mths of 'break' from the blogging world!!! LoL! Loads of stuff had happened actually. Good ones, bad ones - u name it! I know that there's a blessing on the events that had occurred to us. My last entry was just b4 we came back to M'sia for our Hari Raya Eid holiday. I'm just gonna cut short our 'journey' from the time we came back to Jkt again till the time we arrived back in M'sia ; which is Now!
Oh! before that, my paternal grandfather passed away on the day we were abt to fly back to KL for our Raya break actually.. he died in his sleep & went away peacefully. Berkah di bulan Ramadhan... honestly, even tho it was a sad day for all of us , we were glad that he is now with the Almighty & died on a good holy month of Ramadhan.. He has been sick too long... Now it's time for him to rest in peace.. The only sad thing for me is that I din't get a chance to see him physically as I was in Jkt & hoping that this Raya would be my chance to meet & see him. But Allah loves him more & it is his time to go.. :( He was a good man....
Ok now back to my 'journey' It all started with : our Kitas expired on the 20th Sept, hence, we have to leave Indo - comp. in Indo going down the drain - we have bunch of IDIOTS & Nincompoops around that company - loads of hanky panky stuffs happening - stress & back- biting happened - packed our stuffs - ready to leave Indo- before that, we had mkn2 with our Good friends in Indo (missing them now actually)- now back in M'sia - still uncertain whether we be going back there or not - some of our stuffs are still at our friend's hse in Indo - a week later, hubby got confirmation no need to go back Indo (syukur alhamdulillah)- comp. seriously in deep shit! - I underwent few jobs interview - got a new job with a GLC comp. (alhamdulillah) - now trying to adjust in being a career lady back again! Oh I miss working, actually! At the same time feeling nervous coz I've took a break way too longgg! ( Ok i may be exaggerating a bit, but 8 mths of 'holiday' is long ok! :P) part of me still wants to go on a break, part of me says go to work!.. hahahaha.. it keeps my mind churning actually! We shall see how it goes lah! U nvr know unless u give it a try rite?
Anyway, I do miss Jkt esp. our good friends there.. they were there during our hard times... when we needed help.... also, I miss the hair spa & massage & creambath & reflexology..all cheap2 but of good quality... haihhhh... but whatever it is, it's good to be back home! :D Home is where the heart is!
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Yay Yay Yayy balikkk kampungggg...
I'm counting my days to go back home to M'sia for this longggg break!!! Really tak sabar nya.. Woot!Woot! Missing all of my family members, relatives, friends & my fat cat, Dazzle + the rest of our family cats namely Kuntum,Mikey & Lexus!! Oh! and another one I've missed is the M'sian food!!!!!! aaaaaahhhhhhhhh... :D I'm currently busy packing & sorting some stuff. The thing I resent the most! kahkahkahaha.. but someone gotta do it!
Upon arriving KL, my husband had already made plans to go meet his best buddies. I don't know if we are really up for it coz it be too exhausting since we'll be arriving in the evening just before Maghrib. Anyway, since he's really excited to go as the next day would be Friday & most of them will balik kampung + the restaurant that he wanted to go will be closed beginning Friday for at least a week, so I guess we shall go lah.
Apparently we've already planned out our itinerary & arranged it accordingly. So, hope it all goes well with no hiccups lah.., Insya Allah... Kita hanya merancang, Allah menentukan segalanya.
Well, anyway, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin to all my Muslim readers/bloggers! Ampun maaf dipinta. To those balik kampung, drive safe n watch the speed limit. Don't rush & take a chill pill, alright ??!! Think of your loved ones! :D
Now here's 1 of my fav M'sian Hari Raya Eid song.
Monday, 6 August 2012
Breaking fast at the M'sian High Commission
Assalam my fellow blogger friends (wherever you are)! How was your weekend?? I hope it was as awesome as mine!!! Well, I was actually down with a slight fever n runny nose on Friday, but I felt a OK during the evening. Anyway, that Friday, we had Bukber (Buka Bersama) with our fellow M'sians. It was organized by our Kedutaan Besar Malaysia in Jkt. I was excited to go 'coz the main reason was the FOOD & at the same time to meet the rest of M'sians in Jakarta. I had longed for M'sian food & delicacies especially during the time of Ramadhan & Allah has actually answered my 'doa' coz during the day, I mentioned to my husband that I was craving for kuih onde2 gula melaka,kuih seri muka, kuih koci for buka puasa & that's when he told me that the M'sian High Commision's office had invited us for the break-fast! woohooo... alhamdulillahhh... rezqi for us on that day!! And all those delicacies I've mentioned, they had most of it except for the Onde2 gula melaka.. :)
Just to point out some 'flaws' as we arrived at the High Commission (HC). Since I am a first-timer or 'newby' in Jkt amongst the rest of the M'sians, obviously I don't know anyone there & felt kind of left out. Luckily my husband was accompanying me & he introduced me to some of his male acquaintances. I tried to be friendly by starting a casual chat with some of the ladies there (which I assumed are the HC M'sian staff), well, it didn't turn out that well, it's as though I'm talking in 'Alien language'. Tanya sepatah, jwb sepatah, until I got fed-up, I just walked away-politely. And when you smile at them, it's as though they'll get infected with diseases if they return the smile.. Haih... So, I proceeded on in chilling at the lobby while reading my BBM. Okey, to cut things short, it actually took an Indonesian staff whose working for our M'sian HC to at least be friendly & making me feel welcome! Haih, sabar je lah.. At that time, cakap dlm hati, I think it's either our people are too snobbish or plain ignorant! You already know that you have a get-together/function, should have at least assign 1-2 staff to 'welcome' the guests. Just because no Ministers came for the do, buat 'dek' je lah. Typical scenario lah! It's a bit frustrating that we are lacking of these warmth, good gestures. This is 1 thing that I like about the Indonesian people - their hospitality & their warmth!! No matter what, they will make u feel welcome wherever you are even if you are a stranger as they are a friendly lot! I rase our MOFA kena kasi extra course on hospitality & attitude course to those people that's been assigned overseas. It's really embarrassing lah coz you represent our country, Malaysia, & with that kind of attitude, it would be shameful!!
So, anyway, in the end, that night turned out quite well lah, as my husband had introduced me to 1 his friend's wife & we chatted throughout the night after terawih & she was kind enough to introduce me to some of the ladies that she knows there. She even invited us for a buka puasa session with some of the 'high -end' fellow M'sians the next day but I couldn't make it as I was really down with a fever, flu & a bad sore throat!! Perhaps will meet them for Aidilfitri, insya allah.. :)
Just to point out some 'flaws' as we arrived at the High Commission (HC). Since I am a first-timer or 'newby' in Jkt amongst the rest of the M'sians, obviously I don't know anyone there & felt kind of left out. Luckily my husband was accompanying me & he introduced me to some of his male acquaintances. I tried to be friendly by starting a casual chat with some of the ladies there (which I assumed are the HC M'sian staff), well, it didn't turn out that well, it's as though I'm talking in 'Alien language'. Tanya sepatah, jwb sepatah, until I got fed-up, I just walked away-politely. And when you smile at them, it's as though they'll get infected with diseases if they return the smile.. Haih... So, I proceeded on in chilling at the lobby while reading my BBM. Okey, to cut things short, it actually took an Indonesian staff whose working for our M'sian HC to at least be friendly & making me feel welcome! Haih, sabar je lah.. At that time, cakap dlm hati, I think it's either our people are too snobbish or plain ignorant! You already know that you have a get-together/function, should have at least assign 1-2 staff to 'welcome' the guests. Just because no Ministers came for the do, buat 'dek' je lah. Typical scenario lah! It's a bit frustrating that we are lacking of these warmth, good gestures. This is 1 thing that I like about the Indonesian people - their hospitality & their warmth!! No matter what, they will make u feel welcome wherever you are even if you are a stranger as they are a friendly lot! I rase our MOFA kena kasi extra course on hospitality & attitude course to those people that's been assigned overseas. It's really embarrassing lah coz you represent our country, Malaysia, & with that kind of attitude, it would be shameful!!
So, anyway, in the end, that night turned out quite well lah, as my husband had introduced me to 1 his friend's wife & we chatted throughout the night after terawih & she was kind enough to introduce me to some of the ladies that she knows there. She even invited us for a buka puasa session with some of the 'high -end' fellow M'sians the next day but I couldn't make it as I was really down with a fever, flu & a bad sore throat!! Perhaps will meet them for Aidilfitri, insya allah.. :)
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
My 'charcoal-ed' chicken
The title speaks for itself. Muahahahaha... I guess it's not all the time we're lucky in the kitchen or in our cooking. Accidents do happen. I don't know what went wrong today, usually I'm really careful in the kitchen & also in my cooking.
At first, I've accidently cut my finger while chopping the carrots. Ouch!! Clumsy me! Tu lah, berangan lagi! And then, my supposedly fried chicken, turned barbecue -charcoal & burnt chicken!!! O-M-Goodness!!! Perhaps the oil was either too hot, or I've closed the pan far too long in order to allow the chicken to fry by itself!! Silly me! Well, I've managed to salvaged what's left of the chicken! My husband saw it & he just grinned!! He didn't even say or comment anything!!! ahahahahahaha... In the end, I had to throw the chicken away 'coz it looked & tasted horrible!!! Nasib baik la it's only 2 ketul, or else, rugi & syg lahh... I never like to see food go to waste lah... Haishhh, looks like it's just not our rezqi to eat chicken today & had opted to tapau some Padang dishes for iftar..
At first, I've accidently cut my finger while chopping the carrots. Ouch!! Clumsy me! Tu lah, berangan lagi! And then, my supposedly fried chicken, turned barbecue -charcoal & burnt chicken!!! O-M-Goodness!!! Perhaps the oil was either too hot, or I've closed the pan far too long in order to allow the chicken to fry by itself!! Silly me! Well, I've managed to salvaged what's left of the chicken! My husband saw it & he just grinned!! He didn't even say or comment anything!!! ahahahahahaha... In the end, I had to throw the chicken away 'coz it looked & tasted horrible!!! Nasib baik la it's only 2 ketul, or else, rugi & syg lahh... I never like to see food go to waste lah... Haishhh, looks like it's just not our rezqi to eat chicken today & had opted to tapau some Padang dishes for iftar..
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Muahahaha, my 'literally' burnt chicken!! |
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Happy B'day Darling
Last Saturday was my husband's 41st birthday!!! I had planned a surprise for him few days before his b'day tho! Muahahahaha... And syukur alhamdulillah, all my surprises go as planned. Of course, I had the assistance of other party in making the surprise worked.
Firstly, it was his b'day gift. I will keep mum about what his gift was but I know he has longed for it quite a while. I have kept his gift for almost a month actually! Luckily, he didn't find my secret hiding place for his gift. Phew! hahahahah...
Secondly, his b'day cake -or, more of a pie. I had our friend baked it for us since she's in this pie making business. Something different instead of a cake, right? It is called a Klappertart pie. (pls see picture below) It's actually an Indonesian delicacy baked with coconut feelings inside with a bit of custard and a sprinkle of cinnamon,almonds & raisins. It was my first time tasting it & it's really, really, delicious!!
So, while we waited for our buka puasa time, my husband has been constantly asking me where to go out for dinner as he is feeling 'hungry' ?? hahahah... (Makan jerr dia ingat tau!!) He had no idea that I had secretly, planned with a few of our close friends for a buka puasa get -together & off to dinner after our prayers. Yep, he was really excited like a little kid when they popped into our place! :D So, we shoot off for dinner at his choice of place where the specialty is sup kambing betawi. ( I can't recall the name of the area tho). I don't eat mutton but I only had a taste of the soup, and to my surprise, it was really nice as I couldn't feel the taste of the mutton unlike the rest of the sup kambings that I've tried before.
After makan2, we all chilled out & it actually made my husband's day... :D ..
Happy B'day my love!
Firstly, it was his b'day gift. I will keep mum about what his gift was but I know he has longed for it quite a while. I have kept his gift for almost a month actually! Luckily, he didn't find my secret hiding place for his gift. Phew! hahahahah...
Secondly, his b'day cake -or, more of a pie. I had our friend baked it for us since she's in this pie making business. Something different instead of a cake, right? It is called a Klappertart pie. (pls see picture below) It's actually an Indonesian delicacy baked with coconut feelings inside with a bit of custard and a sprinkle of cinnamon,almonds & raisins. It was my first time tasting it & it's really, really, delicious!!
So, while we waited for our buka puasa time, my husband has been constantly asking me where to go out for dinner as he is feeling 'hungry' ?? hahahah... (Makan jerr dia ingat tau!!) He had no idea that I had secretly, planned with a few of our close friends for a buka puasa get -together & off to dinner after our prayers. Yep, he was really excited like a little kid when they popped into our place! :D So, we shoot off for dinner at his choice of place where the specialty is sup kambing betawi. ( I can't recall the name of the area tho). I don't eat mutton but I only had a taste of the soup, and to my surprise, it was really nice as I couldn't feel the taste of the mutton unlike the rest of the sup kambings that I've tried before.
After makan2, we all chilled out & it actually made my husband's day... :D ..
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The Birthday Klappertart Pie |
Happy B'day my love!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Terawih & My purple slippers.. :D
Last night, it was a night to remember!.. :D Me & hubby went to the mosque for our Terawih prayers. We went to the main mosque at our area instead of a Musholla that we normally go a few nights ago. As I was so curious on how the mosque look like and also how do they perform their Terawih, I kind of pestered my husband to do our prayers at that mosque. And so we did! As we went inside, I was so excited as they were many people, so bersemangat lah nak solat, kan.. It reminded me of the masjid that I normally go in PJ Kawasan Melayu.
So anyway, we did our Isya' then they had a short ceramah/tazkirah Ramadhan just after our solat Isya' before we proceed with the terawih prayers. It was something different to us as normally we will just do the Terawih straight after Isya'. The tazkirah/ceramah was almost half an hour or so. And the Terawih was only 8 rakaat + 3 witir. I noticed this is how they practiced it & usually the Imam will recite some verses of ayat Quran during the prayers.
Over here, the ladies in the mosque are actually quite open to just simply take off their Telekung or Mukenah.Why I say so is because as I was observing the surroundings, during the tazkirah, most of them have started to fidget & feeling uneasy, the ladies simply took out their telekung & at a 'relax' mode.Some were wearing their pjyamas & t-shirts underneath their telekung. The barriers that they put to separate the men & women wasn't full enough to cover the ladies' section. So, go figure lah. :D Apparently, my husband said it's normal as over here they are not as strict as the mosques we go in M'sia where we have to be covered up as we enter the mosque. Here, the ladies could wear short skirts,shirts & not even wearing a head skarf to enter the mosque to perform their solat. Once dah masuk masjid they ambil wuduk, they just wear their telekung and no one is judgemental abt it. Yang penting they solat when azan berkumandang.
As we have finished our prayers, my slippers were found missing. Haiyaaa... Just not my rezqi lah. So, nevermind lah, halal je lah.. Rezqi org lain... Thankfully, my husband gave me his slippers for me to use, whilst he walked bare-footed back home. hehehehe... berkorban apa shj utk isteri. Pahala byk tu Allah kasikan? But as we walked, ada la jugak ngomelan2 suamiku...hahahahha... Well, I said to him, slipper kat umah tu byk, so ambil je lah yg mana 1 perkenan... hehehe..
So anyway, we did our Isya' then they had a short ceramah/tazkirah Ramadhan just after our solat Isya' before we proceed with the terawih prayers. It was something different to us as normally we will just do the Terawih straight after Isya'. The tazkirah/ceramah was almost half an hour or so. And the Terawih was only 8 rakaat + 3 witir. I noticed this is how they practiced it & usually the Imam will recite some verses of ayat Quran during the prayers.
Over here, the ladies in the mosque are actually quite open to just simply take off their Telekung or Mukenah.Why I say so is because as I was observing the surroundings, during the tazkirah, most of them have started to fidget & feeling uneasy, the ladies simply took out their telekung & at a 'relax' mode.Some were wearing their pjyamas & t-shirts underneath their telekung. The barriers that they put to separate the men & women wasn't full enough to cover the ladies' section. So, go figure lah. :D Apparently, my husband said it's normal as over here they are not as strict as the mosques we go in M'sia where we have to be covered up as we enter the mosque. Here, the ladies could wear short skirts,shirts & not even wearing a head skarf to enter the mosque to perform their solat. Once dah masuk masjid they ambil wuduk, they just wear their telekung and no one is judgemental abt it. Yang penting they solat when azan berkumandang.
As we have finished our prayers, my slippers were found missing. Haiyaaa... Just not my rezqi lah. So, nevermind lah, halal je lah.. Rezqi org lain... Thankfully, my husband gave me his slippers for me to use, whilst he walked bare-footed back home. hehehehe... berkorban apa shj utk isteri. Pahala byk tu Allah kasikan? But as we walked, ada la jugak ngomelan2 suamiku...hahahahha... Well, I said to him, slipper kat umah tu byk, so ambil je lah yg mana 1 perkenan... hehehe..
Monday, 23 July 2012
Ramadhan Kareem di Perantauan
It's the 2nd day of Ramadhan but it is my 1st time spending Ramadhan as a wife & far far away from the family!!! uwaaaaaaaaa.... :( What I missed most is the happening of bazaar Ramadhan in PJ. The food like ayam percik,murtabak,nasi kerabu, soto ayam, laksam and the list goes on ...... Well, over here they do have some sort of bazaar Ramadhan BUT it's not that happening like the ones in PJ. Also, I'm sceptical on how hygienic the food that they sell here especially yg tepi2 jln tu.. urrghhhh!! tak nak sakit perut nanti! So, me & hubby opted to just buy the kue2 manis and bakwan + gorengan and sos buah. Itu pon, we pick n choose the kedai. Kalau nak buka puasa kat luar, we rather go to a real restaurant. Else, I'll do the cooking. I feel a lot secure that way & more hygienic. :D
We did our Terawih prayers last nite, at a Musholla near our place. Fyi, there are 2 mosques & 1 musholla at our area here.. They are about 5 mins walking distance from each other. However, the Musholla that we prayed at, was of Mahamadiyah's. No wonder mase solat trawih tu, there was a slight difference then how we normally practice especially in between after 2 rakaat, there was no selawat, more of like reciting a short surah. So it got me a bit confused but yakin shj apa yg kita buat tu.
Over here, they have the Mahamadiyah followers, Nadhatul Ulama (NU) followers & there's some more in which I couldn't remember the name. Apparently when I asked 1 of the ustaz here, he said sini para2 ulama mereka don't reach to a consensus and they are followers of many mazhabs, not just Shafie. Sebab tu kat sini, puasa pon ada 3 different days i.e. Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Some said boleh puasa on Thursday, or Friday & those on Saturday are the followers of NU and Pemerintah. So nanti sini raya pon ada 3 different days lah.. Confused?? Yes, me too. I over heard a conversation last nite at a mosque, this makcik was asking another friend of hers, kapan kamu mulai puasa? Oh, saya hari Jumat. :D
I guess in M'sia we mostly follow 1 mazhab & that is Shafie. I reckon,that's why we din't face much problem in reaching a consensus, unlike here which is a bit the 'fening' lah..Well, they have approx. 240million ppl in Indonesia, how do you reach a consensus to that??? Sedangkan di M'sia, we have approx. 27million ppl pon kdg2 tu masih lagi berbalah sesama sendiri kan???
We did our Terawih prayers last nite, at a Musholla near our place. Fyi, there are 2 mosques & 1 musholla at our area here.. They are about 5 mins walking distance from each other. However, the Musholla that we prayed at, was of Mahamadiyah's. No wonder mase solat trawih tu, there was a slight difference then how we normally practice especially in between after 2 rakaat, there was no selawat, more of like reciting a short surah. So it got me a bit confused but yakin shj apa yg kita buat tu.
Over here, they have the Mahamadiyah followers, Nadhatul Ulama (NU) followers & there's some more in which I couldn't remember the name. Apparently when I asked 1 of the ustaz here, he said sini para2 ulama mereka don't reach to a consensus and they are followers of many mazhabs, not just Shafie. Sebab tu kat sini, puasa pon ada 3 different days i.e. Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Some said boleh puasa on Thursday, or Friday & those on Saturday are the followers of NU and Pemerintah. So nanti sini raya pon ada 3 different days lah.. Confused?? Yes, me too. I over heard a conversation last nite at a mosque, this makcik was asking another friend of hers, kapan kamu mulai puasa? Oh, saya hari Jumat. :D
I guess in M'sia we mostly follow 1 mazhab & that is Shafie. I reckon,that's why we din't face much problem in reaching a consensus, unlike here which is a bit the 'fening' lah..Well, they have approx. 240million ppl in Indonesia, how do you reach a consensus to that??? Sedangkan di M'sia, we have approx. 27million ppl pon kdg2 tu masih lagi berbalah sesama sendiri kan???
Friday, 20 July 2012
My dear husband
All the while in my previous blog postings, I have written a lot about what's happening in my life.. It's all about Me, myself & I.. Now that I'm married, just wanna share a bit about my beloved husband & how we actually met.
I remembered back in the year 2008, somewhere in September, we became colleagues. It was his first day at work & he was seated next to me. My first impression of him, was.... well, not much of a fancy! hahahahah... But we chatted a while & introduced ourselves. The thing that I could remembered about him that was quite hilarious, was, his way of typing at the keyboard!!! I call it type 'cara patuk ayam' coz he only typed with his 2 fore fingers whereas we normally type using all our 10 fingers!!! LOL!! As days went by, months passed by, we became close friends. Since I din't have a car back then & he lived in Shah Alam & I lived in PJ, he was my ride to & fro the office!! Well, at first, I was more of like 'using' him coz I need a ride home, but after awhile we became really close like a Bff (bestfriend's forever) kinda thing. We share our stories, we frequently hang out together, even after working hours. Until 1 day, I felt that he was clinging on to me too much until I got sooooooo rimas of him tailing my back where ever I go in the office!!! Arrghhh!!! I felt he was a pest, despite all the free rides' home I got from him, I started to feel a bit annoyed already!! hahahahahaha.... And he too, like to annoy me & irritate me & disturb me a lot while at work.. So he really got me on my nerves!!!
However, our colleagues started to notice that the reason he acted the way he did was because he wanted my attention!!Oh, I denied whatever they were thinking at first coz to me it was nothing. Just his plain annoyance act towards me, that's all!! hahahahahahha... I sometimes felt a mixture of hatred/menyampah/meluat towards him... But in the end, entah macam mana we became a couple!!! LOL!!! Ironice huh?? I actually saw the other good side of him despite of his loud-mouth & strong vocal character.. I learnt his perangai, started to accept it bit by bit & honestly, I actually began missing him when he was not in the office. Tu lah the 'org2 tua' always said, jgn benci org tu sgt, nanti jadi syg kat org tu. I guess they were right, huh?? In the end, we were an item and alhamdulillah, after about 2 and half years of courting, we got married earlier this year in February & now am loving him the way he is. We learnt about each other's flaws & try to patch whatever kekurangan we have. Well, nobody is perfect... I, too, have my flaws..He too, has changed to the better & I hope it will last forever. & ever....Amiinnnn....
I remembered back in the year 2008, somewhere in September, we became colleagues. It was his first day at work & he was seated next to me. My first impression of him, was.... well, not much of a fancy! hahahahah... But we chatted a while & introduced ourselves. The thing that I could remembered about him that was quite hilarious, was, his way of typing at the keyboard!!! I call it type 'cara patuk ayam' coz he only typed with his 2 fore fingers whereas we normally type using all our 10 fingers!!! LOL!! As days went by, months passed by, we became close friends. Since I din't have a car back then & he lived in Shah Alam & I lived in PJ, he was my ride to & fro the office!! Well, at first, I was more of like 'using' him coz I need a ride home, but after awhile we became really close like a Bff (bestfriend's forever) kinda thing. We share our stories, we frequently hang out together, even after working hours. Until 1 day, I felt that he was clinging on to me too much until I got sooooooo rimas of him tailing my back where ever I go in the office!!! Arrghhh!!! I felt he was a pest, despite all the free rides' home I got from him, I started to feel a bit annoyed already!! hahahahahaha.... And he too, like to annoy me & irritate me & disturb me a lot while at work.. So he really got me on my nerves!!!
However, our colleagues started to notice that the reason he acted the way he did was because he wanted my attention!!Oh, I denied whatever they were thinking at first coz to me it was nothing. Just his plain annoyance act towards me, that's all!! hahahahahahha... I sometimes felt a mixture of hatred/menyampah/meluat towards him... But in the end, entah macam mana we became a couple!!! LOL!!! Ironice huh?? I actually saw the other good side of him despite of his loud-mouth & strong vocal character.. I learnt his perangai, started to accept it bit by bit & honestly, I actually began missing him when he was not in the office. Tu lah the 'org2 tua' always said, jgn benci org tu sgt, nanti jadi syg kat org tu. I guess they were right, huh?? In the end, we were an item and alhamdulillah, after about 2 and half years of courting, we got married earlier this year in February & now am loving him the way he is. We learnt about each other's flaws & try to patch whatever kekurangan we have. Well, nobody is perfect... I, too, have my flaws..He too, has changed to the better & I hope it will last forever. & ever....Amiinnnn....
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Friends & Frienemies
These 2 words do make a lot of difference. I looked up at the yahoo search dictionary for the meaning of these words & of course, we're already familiar with the word Friends but there is actually a definition to the word Frenemies. a) blurred friendship, b) fake friends you have for selfish purposes. c) friends you know who don't really like you & you don't like them either. All the while I thought it was just a 'slang' we normally use & it's meaningless. :D As for the meaning of Friends, a) person who one knows, like & trust, b)a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection, and loyalty; c) a person with whom you are acquainted with.
We do come across these kind of people, be it Friends or Frenemies, in our lives, one way or another. They are around you & it's funny sometimes when you thought you knew who your real friends are but you actually have missed the signs that says, they aren't really your Friends but they are your Frenemies! Speaking through some current & past experiences, I couldn't agree more. I guess I am too naive,gullible and 'blur' to see all the bad signs 'coz I am the kind of person that actually look at the good side of people. It may sound corky & unbelievable, but that's the truth! I remembered 1 of my girl friends whom I knew since my Uni days used to tell me, kau tu selalu sgt tgk org tu baik jer, sampai benda tak elok dia buat pon kau masih tak boleh nampak. Well, to me nothing wrong with that, right? Selalu bersangka baik pada seseorg. itu. That's what our Ustaz always tells us. I have this belief that seburuk2 org. itu masih ada kebaikannya & sebaik2 org itu, masih ada keburukannya. It's the Ying & Yang in each of us. Nobody's perfect!!!
To me, senang jer, if you don't fancy that particular person, you can just ignore or stay away from them as far as possible & pray that you won't bump into them anywhere in the world!!!! muahahahahahahha ...Life is short!! It's not easy to find friends that would be with you during your hard times & downfalls but friends for fun & pleasure, you will definitely have plenty of them lingering around you all the time!!!
Anyway, I am thankful I have a hands' full of friends whom I can trust. I guess as I grow older & mature, I now know how to screen my real friends. :) BUT , if my toes have been stepped on purpose, or my back have been stabbed, then I'm sorry, you've lost my trust FOREVER!!!!
We do come across these kind of people, be it Friends or Frenemies, in our lives, one way or another. They are around you & it's funny sometimes when you thought you knew who your real friends are but you actually have missed the signs that says, they aren't really your Friends but they are your Frenemies! Speaking through some current & past experiences, I couldn't agree more. I guess I am too naive,gullible and 'blur' to see all the bad signs 'coz I am the kind of person that actually look at the good side of people. It may sound corky & unbelievable, but that's the truth! I remembered 1 of my girl friends whom I knew since my Uni days used to tell me, kau tu selalu sgt tgk org tu baik jer, sampai benda tak elok dia buat pon kau masih tak boleh nampak. Well, to me nothing wrong with that, right? Selalu bersangka baik pada seseorg. itu. That's what our Ustaz always tells us. I have this belief that seburuk2 org. itu masih ada kebaikannya & sebaik2 org itu, masih ada keburukannya. It's the Ying & Yang in each of us. Nobody's perfect!!!
To me, senang jer, if you don't fancy that particular person, you can just ignore or stay away from them as far as possible & pray that you won't bump into them anywhere in the world!!!! muahahahahahahha ...Life is short!! It's not easy to find friends that would be with you during your hard times & downfalls but friends for fun & pleasure, you will definitely have plenty of them lingering around you all the time!!!
Anyway, I am thankful I have a hands' full of friends whom I can trust. I guess as I grow older & mature, I now know how to screen my real friends. :) BUT , if my toes have been stepped on purpose, or my back have been stabbed, then I'm sorry, you've lost my trust FOREVER!!!!
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
July is D month...
Yuhuuuuu....assalam.... helloooo... hola... hi....bonjour...
July is here!!! Yippeee!!! Few important dates during this month : Firstly, it means Ramadhan is near and yes, I have qada' ALL my puasa...ngeheheheh... but after counting my 'time of the month', it looks like I may have to qada' double this time around since it'll be at the early & end of Ramadhan.... ohhhhhhhh boyyyyyy.... The beauty of being a woman eh?? My mom always said, nk buat camne, ganti je lah puasa tu..dah mmg Allah jadikan begitu utk setiap wanita Muslim to be in that situation. :D
Secondly, me & my husband's birthday is this month too. So usually, if we were to celebrate, we will do it at the same time. It's like a dual celebration and we'll just go out for a nice dinner. Nothing fancy. My husband should feel lucky coz am not that demanding kind of person who demands 'Golds & Diamonds' from him! hahahahahah.. even before we were married! BUT, If he were to give, why not?? hihihihihi... I guess I was already taught by my parents that things don't come easily. My parents never spoils me with buying stuffs, they spoilt me with LOVE... If we want something, we gotta work hard for it!!!
We're both getting a year older already anyway.. Oh man! little did we realized that time flies - so fast!! I remembered 10 years ago, I just graduated from the University but it feels like macam baru jer Graduate! hahahaha..Some of my friends are already married with few kids, some were married much earlier but got divorced, some just recently married (I'm under this category tho), some are still single while others are either in a relationship or engaged.
Lastly, I have few good friends who are of the same birthday as I am! So, we are the Cancerians! Our traits are mostly these:
July is here!!! Yippeee!!! Few important dates during this month : Firstly, it means Ramadhan is near and yes, I have qada' ALL my puasa...ngeheheheh... but after counting my 'time of the month', it looks like I may have to qada' double this time around since it'll be at the early & end of Ramadhan.... ohhhhhhhh boyyyyyy.... The beauty of being a woman eh?? My mom always said, nk buat camne, ganti je lah puasa tu..dah mmg Allah jadikan begitu utk setiap wanita Muslim to be in that situation. :D
Secondly, me & my husband's birthday is this month too. So usually, if we were to celebrate, we will do it at the same time. It's like a dual celebration and we'll just go out for a nice dinner. Nothing fancy. My husband should feel lucky coz am not that demanding kind of person who demands 'Golds & Diamonds' from him! hahahahahah.. even before we were married! BUT, If he were to give, why not?? hihihihihi... I guess I was already taught by my parents that things don't come easily. My parents never spoils me with buying stuffs, they spoilt me with LOVE... If we want something, we gotta work hard for it!!!
We're both getting a year older already anyway.. Oh man! little did we realized that time flies - so fast!! I remembered 10 years ago, I just graduated from the University but it feels like macam baru jer Graduate! hahahaha..Some of my friends are already married with few kids, some were married much earlier but got divorced, some just recently married (I'm under this category tho), some are still single while others are either in a relationship or engaged.
Lastly, I have few good friends who are of the same birthday as I am! So, we are the Cancerians! Our traits are mostly these:
Adaptable Moody
Loyal Sensitive
Attached to Family Emotional
Empathetic May be indecisive at times
Empathetic May be indecisive at times
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Snap back at ya! :P |
Anyway, Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarrak to all Muslims!!!
Monday, 25 June 2012
A Light at The End of The Tunnel
These past 1 week it has been a 'Not-so-good' week for us. We had many obstacles & 'dugaan' which actually made us feel so 'down'. Ya Allah.... gi mana nih?? What should we do?? Pls. help us....
It would be too personal to mention it in here.. Whatever it is, syukur Alhamdulillah everything is up on its feet again & we've managed to get it solved with the help of Allah & the Doa's from our parents... We've even moved to a much better place now & more cosier and spacious and the best part is, it's sooo close to the mosque! Setiap apa yg. berlaku itu memang terbukti hikmah dariNya.
Allah never fail us, we just need to keep remembering HIM All the time!
On a different note, I am also praying that my sister's Operation on her fallopian tube & also to take out her cysts from both her Ovaries will go well ... Amiinnn...
It would be too personal to mention it in here.. Whatever it is, syukur Alhamdulillah everything is up on its feet again & we've managed to get it solved with the help of Allah & the Doa's from our parents... We've even moved to a much better place now & more cosier and spacious and the best part is, it's sooo close to the mosque! Setiap apa yg. berlaku itu memang terbukti hikmah dariNya.
Allah never fail us, we just need to keep remembering HIM All the time!
On a different note, I am also praying that my sister's Operation on her fallopian tube & also to take out her cysts from both her Ovaries will go well ... Amiinnn...
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Solat Sunat Dhuha
Semakin hari we make it a habit to do so, tanpa disedari, rezeki yg. Allah berikan itu all the time enough even though kadang2 we felt as though we don't have that much money with us, kan? Well, through my experiences, I can call it a miracle from Allah.During reciting the doa Solat Dhuha, especially bila I read the meaning of the Doa, tears would just gushed down my cheek. I just don't know why... It's really hard to explain the feelings..Padahal, I felt at ease during performing the Solat. And then seringkali lepas dah habis solat dhuha tu, for some reason, akan ada jer lah good news that's related to me. And will actually felt tenang & aman... See, it's a miracle isn't it?? :) Just something that I wanna share in here. I'm not an ustazah, but I felt that it's worth the share especially for my Muslim friends.
I attach herewith the link of the Doa from you tube & its meaning :
Selamat beramal! :D
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Life in Jakarta
Here I am in Jakarta! I remembered the day I arrived Jakarta, boy it was VERY hectic! Even at night the town of Jakarta is full of people, traffic was busy as ever!! Kalah KL! Goodness me!! Baru sampai jer rase macam nak balik KL dah.. hahahahah... It wasn't really a good week in Jakarta sebab baru sampai jer tiba2 mase tu sebok pulak dgn demo sana sini di Jkt due to the plan of petrol increase by the Indo govt. So manusia2 ni mogok habis la depan gedung DPR (mcm Parlimen lah) ni. Over here, if they mogok, siap bakar2 mobil lagi, lawan dgn polisi2, crazyyy!! cuba kalo kita buat cam tu kat M'sia, mampus kena balun dgn polis2 kita.... My husband had earlier advised me not to go out alone anywhere without him! Hah, lagi stress la I okay!! All the while I've been independent kan, tiba2 tu tak boleh, ni tak boleh, apa pon tak boleh... tension lah aku!! It took me awhile to adjust to this new environment lah.. Memang mase ni rasa nak balik KL jerr... hahahahah... Anyway, after awhile being here in Jakarta, I've started to get used to the way of life here & slowly am learning & dah mula suka living here. One thing I like is their hospitality & warmth showed by them. They have the respect & adab towards other people. U just ask for directions, they willingly explain to you in details on where to go, which way to follow.... Even the parking attendant is helpful too.
The only time yang best to jalan2 in Jkt is usually during the weekends, that's because mostly the Jkt people will be OUT of Jkt, so jln pon not so macet! If on weekdays, will be clashed with the working people and the jam is so massive!! Actually, to go to 1 place to another in Jkt is actually not that far, paling2 pon dlm 15-20 mins boleh sampai to the destination, tapi disebabkan of the macet, tu yang sometimes could take you up to hours on the road! Imagine, almost 30million of people in Jkt itself! That's almost the same amount of the whole M'sia country.
However, costs of living in Jakarta is actually kinda high esp. bab2 makan dia... kalau nak makan kat resto2 (restaurant) dia, even a simple restaurant macam food court tu, agak mahal lah compared to KL.But here kalau makan fine dining dia mmg cheaper than KL. Tu mmg I feel it's worth it lah...That's why I rather cook coz beli barang2 mentah di pasar Bendhill ni agak murah! kehkehkehe... I have actually enhanced my cooking skills hokay!! The parking lots here especially di mall2 besar like Grand Indo, Plaza Indo,Senayan City (Sency) it's a lot lot cheaper than in KL. Rental of accomodation is quite expensive in Jakarta. Gila mahal dari KL. For eg; if in KL, we could rent a whole apartment with at least 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom and living room + kitchen dalam RM1200 ( lowest price) but over here duduk apartment with 1 bilik + 1 bathroom pon dah around USD550 - USD600. That's almost RM2k!!! If nak rental murah, most of the people here stay in Indekost. It's like a huge banglo but with many many rooms, so the people will rent 1 of the rooms there and you gotta share the kitchen & living room.
Apart from that, shopping here is still 'heaven' coz it's way cheaper compared to KL & with good quality! Like the kain2 batik, kain nak buat kebaya, Men's shirts & etc...Going to the hair spa & Massage spa is still wayyy wayyy cheaper than KL! hehehehe.. siap urut2 lagi badan u during the hair spa time. Manicure & Pedicure,waxing, facial & etc all also murah2 lah. & good service.. They go all out! memang best! Sebab tu lah kat sini tiap2 minggu or every 2 weeks I can still afford to do either any of these activities at the Spa. heheheheh... Now we know why the Indonesians are all the time maintain 'lawa' jerr kan...
Whatever the reasons mentioned above, Home is where the heart is... I still love my country & can't wait to be back... :)
The only time yang best to jalan2 in Jkt is usually during the weekends, that's because mostly the Jkt people will be OUT of Jkt, so jln pon not so macet! If on weekdays, will be clashed with the working people and the jam is so massive!! Actually, to go to 1 place to another in Jkt is actually not that far, paling2 pon dlm 15-20 mins boleh sampai to the destination, tapi disebabkan of the macet, tu yang sometimes could take you up to hours on the road! Imagine, almost 30million of people in Jkt itself! That's almost the same amount of the whole M'sia country.
However, costs of living in Jakarta is actually kinda high esp. bab2 makan dia... kalau nak makan kat resto2 (restaurant) dia, even a simple restaurant macam food court tu, agak mahal lah compared to KL.But here kalau makan fine dining dia mmg cheaper than KL. Tu mmg I feel it's worth it lah...That's why I rather cook coz beli barang2 mentah di pasar Bendhill ni agak murah! kehkehkehe... I have actually enhanced my cooking skills hokay!! The parking lots here especially di mall2 besar like Grand Indo, Plaza Indo,Senayan City (Sency) it's a lot lot cheaper than in KL. Rental of accomodation is quite expensive in Jakarta. Gila mahal dari KL. For eg; if in KL, we could rent a whole apartment with at least 2 bedrooms + 1 bathroom and living room + kitchen dalam RM1200 ( lowest price) but over here duduk apartment with 1 bilik + 1 bathroom pon dah around USD550 - USD600. That's almost RM2k!!! If nak rental murah, most of the people here stay in Indekost. It's like a huge banglo but with many many rooms, so the people will rent 1 of the rooms there and you gotta share the kitchen & living room.
Apart from that, shopping here is still 'heaven' coz it's way cheaper compared to KL & with good quality! Like the kain2 batik, kain nak buat kebaya, Men's shirts & etc...Going to the hair spa & Massage spa is still wayyy wayyy cheaper than KL! hehehehe.. siap urut2 lagi badan u during the hair spa time. Manicure & Pedicure,waxing, facial & etc all also murah2 lah. & good service.. They go all out! memang best! Sebab tu lah kat sini tiap2 minggu or every 2 weeks I can still afford to do either any of these activities at the Spa. heheheheh... Now we know why the Indonesians are all the time maintain 'lawa' jerr kan...
Whatever the reasons mentioned above, Home is where the heart is... I still love my country & can't wait to be back... :)
Friday, 15 June 2012
Bye Malaysia, Hello Indonesia
Well, it's now the beginning of a new chapter in life!! Tadaaaaaaaaa...
Tanggal 17 Maret 2012, aku menaiki pesawat dari KLIA terus ke Jakarta, Indonesia. (Waahhh, tgh cuba karang ayat in Indo language ni) hahahaha...!! My dad gave me some few words of inspiration & wisdom before we depart to KLIA. From his stuttering voice, I felt that tears came down from him & so did I. :( Anyhow I am now a wife to Mr. Johan aka Jojo. :D Therefore, I need to be by my husband's side. At first, the plan is for me to continue my work in M'sia & only come to Indonesia during holidays, but then after getting advises from the 'elders', I decided to leave my job & be with my husband here. After all, like my mom would say, " Apa guna kawin, kalau nak duduk asing2"? Kalo nak duduk asing2, baik tok sah kawin". "Rezeki tu ada di mana2, jgn risau lah.." Betul jugak kate mak I tu kan?? Dah jadi isteri, kenalah jaga makan minum suami & layan suami tu kan?? hehehehe...
My family + relatives + in-laws + cousins all came to send me off.(Pergi Jakarta jerr pon... idak ler jauh banget dong!.. :P) Anyway, I was touched by their presence at the airport. Love them all so much!! I am thankful that I have a very caring family members. As always, my crazy cousins n siblings will sure come up with something silly before I make my way to the boarding gate....
My family + relatives + in-laws + cousins all came to send me off.(Pergi Jakarta jerr pon... idak ler jauh banget dong!.. :P) Anyway, I was touched by their presence at the airport. Love them all so much!! I am thankful that I have a very caring family members. As always, my crazy cousins n siblings will sure come up with something silly before I make my way to the boarding gate....
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See what I mean??? Sengals sungguh !! LOL! |
This was their so-called 'parting' note to me. hahahahaha. It made me laugh everytime looking at it!
As I made my way to the Aero-Train & into the cabin, somehow rather, I know I am going to venture into a new phase of life, at a different place, with a new environment all together, away from my comfort zone. Mixed feelings are mingling around my mind, trying to adjust to this new life....... in being a wife & a home-maker.... :)
As I made my way to the Aero-Train & into the cabin, somehow rather, I know I am going to venture into a new phase of life, at a different place, with a new environment all together, away from my comfort zone. Mixed feelings are mingling around my mind, trying to adjust to this new life....... in being a wife & a home-maker.... :)
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Akad Nikah & Reception
Ho-Mai-Goodness me!!! It's been awhile that I've written in this 'cobwebbed' blog.. hahahahah.. Well, I guess I was too busy with my wedding prep & also my migration to Indonesia! Before I tell my Indo story, let's just recap what happened these past few months that I am 'away' from here...
First, there was my akad nikah or solemnization which occurred on the 3rd of Feb 2012 at my parent's house in TUDM Subang. ( pls see pictures below) Alhamdulillah all went well, my husband cuma sekali lafaz shj. Boy ! was I having jitterbugs in my tummy, (eventho I shouldn't be 'coz I'm not the 1 whose gonna lafaz the akad) :P Then the next day was the reception. This was the major event as most of my parent's friends came for my wedding! Even I don't really know some of them, but they were at our wedding & gave angpow packets to my parents. Hahahahaha...We were glad to have MOST of our family members came & helped during our wedding. Thanks to my mom who is d co-host n superwoman on that day & before the wedding. And of course to my dad who took time off from his work just to get everything organised! From the caterers, to the working staff, emcees, etc..etc... Not to forget my darling siblings, cousins, aunties & uncles. Also to my Dad's staff from the Airforce to assist us, kalau tidak, pengsan woooo!!!! Thank you to ALL that have actually helped us!!! Hanya Allah shj yg bisa membalas segalanya.. :) The best part is we've got our South African friends that came to the wedding & also our relatives from Padang, Sumatera. We really enjoyed it very much!!! Syukur alhamdulillah sgt2 as everything went smoothly. We've got feedbacks saying the food was great on both events, the acara berjalan on time & the event was just simple yet awesome!!! Also, the aftermath of our wedding was just great as the next few days we spent time & went jalan2 with our relatives from Padang & our South African friends. :) And a week after , we held a reception on my husband's side of the family in Klang. It was just a simple get together especially for my husband as he had his friends from primary & secondary schools, MRSM & UKM that came to our wedding. Even 1 of his teachers came!
A couple of weeks after that, my husband went back to Jakarta to continue his work & I was in M'sia to settle some things before I join him. That too, went well, alhamdulilah. Altho, I was feeling that the time given wasn't enough to get everything done, but it did tho! I managed to sell off my car, move out from our current house in PJ, did a garage sale, change my banking details, train my cat, Dazzle, to be at my mom's house, spending time with family .... etc..etc...
Anyhow, here are some of the wedding pictures :
I shall continue about life in Indonesia on my next blog okay? Time to get my beauty sleep! hehehehehe...
First, there was my akad nikah or solemnization which occurred on the 3rd of Feb 2012 at my parent's house in TUDM Subang. ( pls see pictures below) Alhamdulillah all went well, my husband cuma sekali lafaz shj. Boy ! was I having jitterbugs in my tummy, (eventho I shouldn't be 'coz I'm not the 1 whose gonna lafaz the akad) :P Then the next day was the reception. This was the major event as most of my parent's friends came for my wedding! Even I don't really know some of them, but they were at our wedding & gave angpow packets to my parents. Hahahahaha...We were glad to have MOST of our family members came & helped during our wedding. Thanks to my mom who is d co-host n superwoman on that day & before the wedding. And of course to my dad who took time off from his work just to get everything organised! From the caterers, to the working staff, emcees, etc..etc... Not to forget my darling siblings, cousins, aunties & uncles. Also to my Dad's staff from the Airforce to assist us, kalau tidak, pengsan woooo!!!! Thank you to ALL that have actually helped us!!! Hanya Allah shj yg bisa membalas segalanya.. :) The best part is we've got our South African friends that came to the wedding & also our relatives from Padang, Sumatera. We really enjoyed it very much!!! Syukur alhamdulillah sgt2 as everything went smoothly. We've got feedbacks saying the food was great on both events, the acara berjalan on time & the event was just simple yet awesome!!! Also, the aftermath of our wedding was just great as the next few days we spent time & went jalan2 with our relatives from Padang & our South African friends. :) And a week after , we held a reception on my husband's side of the family in Klang. It was just a simple get together especially for my husband as he had his friends from primary & secondary schools, MRSM & UKM that came to our wedding. Even 1 of his teachers came!
A couple of weeks after that, my husband went back to Jakarta to continue his work & I was in M'sia to settle some things before I join him. That too, went well, alhamdulilah. Altho, I was feeling that the time given wasn't enough to get everything done, but it did tho! I managed to sell off my car, move out from our current house in PJ, did a garage sale, change my banking details, train my cat, Dazzle, to be at my mom's house, spending time with family .... etc..etc...
Anyhow, here are some of the wedding pictures :
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Nikah |
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The Pelamin |
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Me & Husband |
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Cake cutting session during reception |
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Us with the family |
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Reception at Klang's side |
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Makan beradab |
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With my in-laws |
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With my family & in-laws |
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With some of my husband's friends from UKM |
I shall continue about life in Indonesia on my next blog okay? Time to get my beauty sleep! hehehehehe...
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Tick Tock Tick Tock.... am counting my days...
Hallooo..halloooo..... & Salam.... this blog has been covered with cobwebs for awhile... hahahahah...
Anyway, my wedding is around the corner.... nervous?? jitterbugs? butterflies in my tummy?? at the moment, NO! m a bit relaxed tho..maybe in another week or so I shall feel the jitterbugs....the only thing that stresses me out is my work!!! arggghhhh.... it's never ending.... it's my final month at the office actually & i can't wait to leave!!! No doubt I would miss my colleagues & my boss?? Nahhhh.. :))
Prep for the wedding is abt 90% done..alhamdulillah... invite cards - sent, door gifts - done!, food & catering - settled! pelamin - done... make up & hair - done! Wedding dresses - final stage... Now all that is pending is to wait for my fiance to come back to KL by the end of this mth! hehehehehe...
Also, the only thing that I hate the most is to clean & pack my stuffs from my current house as we will be moving out... Arrggghhhhhhh!!! I plan to do a jumble sale to sell some of my clothes,shoes,handbags.... I just realized that I have loads of these items, which are still in good condition & well kept.. Some of these items I hardly even use!!!! And yet I still feel that I don't have enough clothes/handbags/shoes to wear... Haishhh. Nafsu Wanita kan?? :P
Ok, am having a mental block rite now... so that's all for today...
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