Today's Monday, I feel a bit down & mundane today.. I just dunno y... It was a very stressful day today as my boss pagi2 sudah bising... it's bloody irritating to start your day with... please lah, sometimes he treats us like little kids , mmg jadi bodoh la kiteorg kat ofc tu.. at times i just dunno what is on his mind!!!! bebel2,nag2, whine2 mengalahkan perempuan!!! And at the same time my fiance was feeling down & depressed all of a sudden. Dia pulak tetiba mood swing..haiyooo... I guess we both are missing each other badly off late ni.. :( Suddenly he said he is fed up with Jakarta & wanna go back to KL but then again, his rezeki is there now & it is kinda lucrative... I told him to be patient as good things don't come that easy .... In a few months time, we'll be together for good, insya allah.. I really can't wait for D-day to come.... Nowadays the hot weather isn't just helping!!! I guess it does effect our mood swing, huh?? I soooo want the rain badly now.. However, after the outing to KLCC & Pavilion today,I felt good! hahaha.. I guess going to the mall with my colleague & after a good chat with her, it de-stresses me. :) Hoping for a good day tomorrow...
haah kan..i lupa ur event sama date ngan mywedding.. :P
ReplyDeletenyway..mmg panas la skang ni..rse mcm nk berendam dlm swimming pool je.. tp kang jd badak sumbu plak..kekekkekekek
sabar ye...maybe sbb u ng joh jauh..tu yg miss sgt2..lagipun tgh tunang mmg mcm tu..just like me n dott. mse tunang ni..slalu sgt2 gaduh... :))
ha'ah lerr.. sbb tu ler tk bley nk g JB for ur wedding.. of course will love to go, tapi dah clash pulak dgn event i kan..
ReplyDeleteish tgh sabar la ni.. byk betul dugaan mase bertunang ni kan.. tsk tsk tsk... but so far all under control laa... :)