Wednesday 14 February 2024

Welcome back? Now it's 2024.

10 years since my last writing! Wow!!!! Freaking lonnggggggggggggggggggggggg......... Since my last blog, my daughter was 6 months old and she's coming to 11 years old (yup! pre-teen age) in October and also I have 'popped out' another 1 who is coming to 4 year old this June. So, yeah, I've got 2 beautiful girls. The eldest is more of my photocopy while the younger one is somewhat similar to her daddy.. so it's fair.. hahah... Loads of things happened these past 10 years!! We had Covid outbreak in year 2020 where there was locked down for the whole world! No travelling, stay-home, work-from-home, we had our Hari Raya celebration spent at HOME and via Video Calls/Zoom as everything was LOCKED DOWN.!! My goodness! Even solat hari raya was done at home and my husband had to give the 'khutbah' himself. Anyway, now it's back to normal, no longer working from home, all physically in the office which I'd prefer.. 5.30 pm finish work can cabut already.. unlike while we were Working from home, it was 24 hrs round the clock weh! Even at midnight and on weekends you had emails and tasks to finish.. Those were the days although at times I miss working from home. Anyway,I think I'll stop here for now. See if my mood and time persists will pen down something in here, again. Our latest photo as below:-
, Till then! Toodles!xoxo

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