Anyway, my wedding is around the corner.... nervous?? jitterbugs? butterflies in my tummy?? at the moment, NO! m a bit relaxed tho..maybe in another week or so I shall feel the jitterbugs....the only thing that stresses me out is my work!!! arggghhhh.... it's never ending.... it's my final month at the office actually & i can't wait to leave!!! No doubt I would miss my colleagues & my boss?? Nahhhh.. :))
Prep for the wedding is abt 90% done..alhamdulillah... invite cards - sent, door gifts - done!, food & catering - settled! pelamin - done... make up & hair - done! Wedding dresses - final stage... Now all that is pending is to wait for my fiance to come back to KL by the end of this mth! hehehehehe...
Also, the only thing that I hate the most is to clean & pack my stuffs from my current house as we will be moving out... Arrggghhhhhhh!!! I plan to do a jumble sale to sell some of my clothes,shoes,handbags.... I just realized that I have loads of these items, which are still in good condition & well kept.. Some of these items I hardly even use!!!! And yet I still feel that I don't have enough clothes/handbags/shoes to wear... Haishhh. Nafsu Wanita kan?? :P
Ok, am having a mental block rite now... so that's all for today...